Friday, November 28, 2008

Reorganized and Moving Again

It turns out we (I) just needed to slow down and tweak my planning: we are still doing AO year 1 with the Engineer. I made a form for myself that has space for two readings a day, and four schoolwork days a week. Most of the weeks for AO Year 1 had seven readings, so we actually have time to get them all done with a spare 'block'. I also planned out what order to teach what, maximum time to spent on each subject, and what kids should be present.

This ensures that:
  • The kids all get breaks AND they all get attention. For example, I added a story time for the Explorer (my youngest) right in the middle, so he gets to spend time with me while the older two get a break. I spaced the breaks the Engineer gets as evenly as I could.
  • Most subjects are ten minutes - that is plenty of time. Math is 20 minutes, twice a week. German is 15 minutes, but i am still planning that subject.
  • The whole day maximizes at two hours and thirty minutes. That includes a ten minute break with the Explorer and two ten minute sessions one-on-one with the artist.
  • Combining subjects. Everyone is present for Bible reading, safety, German and Crossfit Kids (exercise - I will start it next week). The oldest two both do (with VERY loose standards for the Artist, he usually sits in) copy work and poetry. So phonics, math and the AO selections are done separately.
  • An in-your-face reminder list: empty boxes. I am planning to start drawing soon as well, but haven't outlined that yet. It will be the last subject I add on this sheet. Hymn study, folksong study, artist study and composer study I hope to start next week, with the older two while allowing the youngest to participate on his level.
  • I have tried to alternate sitting with movement, listening with interacting, etc.
  • I left space on the bottom for a fifth day of school (or an afternoon) to do our nature study. I am planning to do the nature hour challenge, hopefully that will cover all of AO's nature topics. (For example, the nature hour challenge is doing trees, AO 1 recomments animals. As long as all are covered its fine, or we will do two walks - I like being outdoors.)
So far it seems to help, at least I don't feel as lost. Still to implement (in order):
  1. Crossfit Kids- We do Taekwondo twice a week but we can do this daily. Everything is laid out I just need to gather the equipment and get moving.
  2. Composer study - My Bach CD is missing, I need to order a new one or try to find a store here that carries classical music. Until then I may try
  3. Artist study - since my color printer is now working.
  4. Folk song and Hymn study - To confess I'm not sure here, I thought I knew a lot of hymns but I don't know these. The folk songs I want to play on my guitar while we sing.
  5. Drawing - last because I need to work on my own drawing skill first, then figure out my goals, etc. for teaching the kids.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Slowing Down

We are going to slow down and drop the AO Year 1 readings. There is too much going on right now, I feel overwhelmed. And while I believe my oldest is learning, I think some time just working on listening skills with the AO Year 0 books will help him to listen and narrate better. I have been reading on the AO website and mailing lists, and people say that they haven't regretted waiting a year. Besides, year 2 is recommended for 8-9 year olds, so by waiting my son will be that age when he starts year 2.

For the rest of this year we are going to work on Bible, habit training (starting with attentiveness), the 3 R's, nature study and narration skills with the year 0 or year 0.5 books. I think we will do one reading a day and I will have him narrate. We are going to continue to read poetry and also start doing the composer and artist studies, so there will be plenty of learning. This should give me time to simplify our schedule so I can keep everything semi-organized.

Daily Subjects:
  • Bible (family), memory verses from Poineer Clubs at church.
  • Phonics (3R's and the Alpha-Phonics).
  • Math (Telling Time, Making Math Meaningful level 1 and life skills like counting money).
  • Copywork - just 1 to 3 well-written words.
  • Poetry - 1 per day.
  • Narration - 1 short reading per day.
  • German.
  • Time outdoors.
Weekly Subjects:
  • Guitar - with Dad, 3x.
  • Composer Study.
  • Artist Study.
  • Hymn and Folk Songs (I'm not sure how to plan these yet).
  • Handicrafts, safety and life skills.
  • Drawing or art (using "Drawing with Children").
  • Taekwondo - 2 classes a week.
I think thats good for a first grader - especially since we are learning the CM method. We may start year 1 in January and stretch it to 1 1/2 years, or just start year 1 when he starts second grade next fall. I really think waiting will benefit us all.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Home School Plans for 2008-2009

This year I have a 1st grader, a Pre-K and a Toddler. One thing I want to do this year is cut back on DVDs and read to the kids more. I have tried Unit Studies in the past (including when I was home-schooled) but they require more time than I have. I also think it will be better with the boys separate so that they don't feel inferior to each other (this is mentioned on Ambleside Online's FAQ). There is enough "my older brother did ___" in the world without adding academics too.

1st Grade - DS1 "The Engineer"
  • Bible: Old and New Testament stories from Penny Gardner. Reading from Psalms and Proverbs.
  • Reading: Ruth Beechick's 3 R's and Alpha-Phonics
  • Math: Making Math Meaningful Level 1, Easy Telling Time and Telling Time, both by Kumon, counting change, months/days, measuring and lots of practical skills.
  • Writing: Ruth Beechick's 3 R's. Lots of copywork. Also ideas from Writing Strands 1.
  • Foreign Language: We are learning German. I have Power-Glide as well as various internet finds and books. I am hoping to use stories to teach.
  • History / Geography / Nature / Poetry / Literature / Art / Music: From Ambleside Online (AO), we are planning to do year 1.
  • Nature Study: Nature walks, study Mammals, Birds, etc as in AO. Notice the trees, sky / moon / stars, grow plants, care for animals, catch bugs, etc.
  • Music Lessons: Guitar with Dad.
  • Fitness: Taekwondo.
Pre-K - DS2 "The Artist"
  • Bible: Old and New Testament stories from Penny Gardner. Reading from Psalms and Proverbs.
  • Reading: Ruth Beechick's 3 R's (basic letter sounds, so he isn't left out).
  • Math: Life skills.
  • Writing: Letter and number formation, again very informal and basic.
  • Foreign Language: German - learned with games and stories (I hope to keep this fun).
  • Nature Study: Lots of time outside & exploring nature (sky, weather, plants, animals, etc.).
  • Fitness: Taekwondo.
Toddler - DS3 "The Explorer"
  • Bible: Reading with the rest of us.
  • Attention: More time reading with Mom.
  • Potty Training: He is working on this. Yay! My last one.
Trial Run
This month we will try to complete the first 2 weeks of AO, just to see that it is the appropriate level before buying books. We may need to do AO year 0 instead.