I am working on our schedule for the upcoming year, and we are changing a few things.
First, I'm going to start doing school year-round. I haven't decided if we should start a new AO Term at specific points (like a new term every July, November and March) or just take a week off after one term and then start another. If we start a new term every 4 months we could do a few short unit studies, which I think would be fun with the boys choosing a topic. I do want to keep all the boys on the same term week. (So one might be in Year 1 Term 1 and the other in Year 2 term 3, but both are doing the 4th week. That will make any exams we do on the same week, then everyone gets X time of before a new term.) This term is going to be slower and will end in late October, since we have a new baby due the first of November.
Second, I am trying some new books / methods. I will be switching to MEP for math (read more here) and adding books from the Italic Handwriting Series for handwriting. I'm also going to try Charlotte Mason's reading method with my oldest.
The plan is still evolving though!